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HfR has been working in Romania since the revolution in 1989. We aim to bring HOPE, through offering support to the marginalised, the lonely & the poor, HELP through education, employment & support programs & HEART by giving of ourselves to long term friendships.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Young people take action

Young people have not got a great press this summer... rightly or wrongly many have been stigmatised as a result of the riots that began in London and spread across England.

But, in August a group of teenagers from London and Surrey gave their time and money to go to Romania and help two local gypsy villages with practical projects that will transform lives of many poor and marginalised people.

This is the second trip that has been run jointly between Heart for Romania, Regenerate and Liquid Connection and the plan is to run further trips next year - providing further practical support and also hopefully running some holiday camps for gypsy children.

Some of the lads from this years trip, having heard about one of the village schools that has no running water and no toilets have also come back inspired with a vision to raise funds for three wells.

you can learn more about the trip from the Liquid Connection blog here

and you can see the video of the first trip here

All is not lost...

All is not lost - but quite a lot is!

Due to *cough* technical issues our previous news / update blog was removed. Although we are trying to recover it due to the number of exciting new projects we are getting involved in over the last few and the next few months we decided to start afresh... hope you enjoy