Recently, Tim, a member of the Heart for Romania team was introduced to two young boys from a remote and isolated village in rural Transylvania. These two boys wanted to attend the school in Cristuru-Secuiesc in order to continue their vocational training - however - because there village was so remote and they would have to board at the school in the week they did not have the money... they needed was about £15 a week each in order to continue with their education.
There are a lot of young people in Romania and elsewhere that have to leave school due to lack of funds. We can not help them all but we can, and will help these two guys...
Please think about whether you have anything spare to give - visit our website where you can offer a one off donation or download a regular giving form. If 6 people are able to give a fiver a week then we will be able to fund these guys through school and give them the opportunities that all young people deserve...