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HfR has been working in Romania since the revolution in 1989. We aim to bring HOPE, through offering support to the marginalised, the lonely & the poor, HELP through education, employment & support programs & HEART by giving of ourselves to long term friendships.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Palinka and Town Planning

'Rose Hill' - Csekefalva 
A recent trip to Romania was another reminder of the level of need that exists... but also of the warmth and kindness of people that have so little.  

Recent studies show that up to 70% of 'Roma' children in Romania do not complete primary school. There are many reasons for this: lack of clean clothes or shoes, the cost of stationary and books. Some children work or beg in order to help provide food for families with nothing. While we were visiting 'Rose Hill' a mother returned from picking tomatoes for cash with her 10 year old son. His education is effectively over. He is likely to remain illiterate, innumerate and unable to find anything but the lowest paid, least secure employment - a life sentence. This is not a mother that does not care, simply one that can not afford to feed her family.   

But, there is progress to report. 

We were able to secure places for two young boys at the primary school in the town of Keresztur, giving them a chance to go on to the local grammar school, another boy has been enrolled in the 'second chance' class at the local technical college.

We have  started to do reparations and 'extensions' to houses in the village. Most families have only a single room with four or five children as well as parents sharing this space... often there are multiple families in a single room - with up to seventeen sharing. We have started by building additional rooms where there were multiple families in a single room. So far three homes have been extended and a fourth is being built at the moment.  

A public meeting that we organised confirmed that the priority for the community is to continue to improve homes in the village... and so that is what we will do. We are also exploring other ways that we could help... incentivising education, improving nutrition, providing sanitation... as ever the limitation is money. If you feel that you could be a regular giver please visit the website (www.heartforromania.co.uk)  where you can find direct debit instructions

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